Kids Kargo Duellette Hybrid Travel System - Oxford
This flexible tandem pushchair will be suitable for two toddlers, aged between 6 months and 3 years old (or up to 15kg per seat).
The Duellette Hybrid sporty, comfortable pushchair seats, capable of facing whichever way required, compatible with Footmuffs for those colder months Also suitable for two new borns if used with car seats.
Perfect for expectant mothers already with a little one, as Kids Kargo pushchairs are compatible with a range of car seats (when used with universal adapters) to ensure you are getting the most out of previous purchases.
As this travel system is a tandem stroller, it leaves lots of room for the shopping basket, catering for us parents that have to travel with half the content of our homes!
Both seats can face parent, forward face or face each other. Includes 2 x seat units (Bucket seat) 2x rain covers Insect net/ sun protection inserted in the hood.
Awards: Best baby and toddler gear Bronze 2018
- Various seat positions. Both seats can face mum (ideal for twins)
- Suitability Twins (Newborn Twins if used with car seats upto 15kg). Accommodates 1 or 2 car seats
- Adjustable handle
- Rain covers included