Discover smarTrike at Baby Planet, an innovative way to travel with your little one. The ingenious design transforms from a stroller to a tricycle in seconds, making any outing with your child an adventure. smarTrike's range of tricycles and strollers is designed to grow with your child, offering practicality and enjoyment for every stage of their development.
The smarTrike stroller combines a durable, versatile design with smart features, making it the ultimate ride for toddlers and beyond. From early strolling to independent pedalling, these trikes evolve to suit your child’s age and abilities. For families on the move, a smarTrike folding trike offers effortless portability without compromising on comfort or functionality. Designed with convenience in mind, they ensure a smooth and secure ride for your little one while being easy to handle for parents.
The smarTrike STR7 is a standout model, offering a premium folding tricycle experience that transitions seamlessly from stroller mode to an independent trike. Families that are always on the go will appreciate the lightweight, compact design of the smarTrike Traveler which folds flat for easy storage.
At Baby Planet, explore the full range of smarTrike tricycles and find the perfect match for your child’s active lifestyle. With smarTrike, every journey becomes a fun-filled adventure!